Hi there everyone.
I was going along fine setting up my PandaPi system until today.
I wanted to add the DHT plugin to Optoprint and needed to compile the adafruit library.
to cut a long story short, It needed an update to the latest Raspbian so I did the usual "sudo apt update && sudo apt updgrade" like Id do on any other Raspberry PI.
This resulted in the PI not booting and leaving me at waiting for rootfs UUIDxxx etc.
This is the second time Ive tried to update raspbian on Pandapi with the same result.
So three questions...
1/ Is it possible to recover the unbootable SD card with some filesystem manipulation on another host?
2/ How do we safely update Raspbian on PandaPI and avoid an unbootable image?
3/ Is it possible to transfer my PandaPI configuration over from one SD card to another, including the working compiled Marlin, config files, Octoprint and network configuration, AKA a Backup/restore method?
Thanks in Advance
Sorry,seems there is no way to recovery the old image;
for transfer files of configuration and comilped marlin, one way like you said is to copy them to the /boot folder and then copy to the PC.
sudo cp /home/pi/PandaPI/Marlin2.x/pandapi/Configuration.h /boot/ sudo cp /home/pi/PandaPI/Marlin2.x/pandapi/pi_marlin /boot/