Hello Sir,
We recently brought Pandapi board and interfaced with Raspberry Pi 3B board. We found some problems with the marlin code already flashed in the raspberry pi such as When I tried to home the x axis of printer, the x Axis reaches maximum end and start hitting.
Also I modified few parameters such as PID values, EndstopPullups in Marlin code and saved. After saving the file, Im not able to run the marlin firmware. During compilation it attached image appears and run button wont work. Please help me out.

if you want to the see if the pi_marlin is modified,there are some commands:
'ls -l pi_marlin' or 'md5sum pi_marlin '
if you only changed the *.h files, run 'make' will display 'Nothing to be done for all',and that need run 'make clean' and then 'make'. or "make clean;make" I have added this command to the wiki.
I don't know, I was unable to get pronterface to work.
You might want to research GPIO mode.
How do I ensure the modified marlin code is uploaded into raspberry pi.
I modified PID values in marlin code and followed steps mentioned in "How to Edit Marlin Code" to load into raspberry pi.
When I tried to read the stored settings from EEPROM in prontface, it seems the marlin code is not modified.
Im attaching pronterface screenshot. Please help me out.
Also I enabled sensorless homing but When I try to home X and Y axis, The axis moving to maximum end and hitting and making some grinding sound.
Please help
It looks like you've compiled it. Make sure you followed all of the steps (2-4) to copy the new compilation to it's execute location.
Note: I'm still pretty new to Pandapi, so take my advice with a grain of salt.
hello sir, As per your suggestion i tried compilation using putty. Still i'm not sure the marlin is complied or not. Please have a look on the attached pics and let us know the solution.
Thanks for your time
In that image, it doesn't appear to be finished compiling. When it's done it will display a dialog indicating that it's complete. It can take quite a while.
I wasn't able to get it to run using the web ui though so I compile it manually using ssh.