So finally got around to trying to get the PandaZhu board installed wuth the PandaCAN.
First issue is that the board will not let me connect to wifi until I connect a usb cable and connect to the com port then I can connect to the webserver.
Second issue is that I have loaded the Marlin from the PandaCAN github and wired as per the wiring diagram and connected a thermosistor to see if I can see temp from hotend and see nothing.
3rd issue for some reason I am showing a temp of T:0.00 /0.00 B:24.37 /0.00 @:0 B@:0. I thermosistor is not even connected to the board and shows a temperature. But the yet the PandaCAN board does not show hotend temp.
Ok update. The PandaCAN is now working I had originally swapped wires when I was having the sd card issue or what I thought was the issue. so now as follows are my remaining issues.
#1 I can connect through wireless but as follows. If printer is shut off I turn it on and it will not allow me to connect the first time. If I cycle power off then back on then it allows me to connect to wireless but never on the first power on. It is a strange issue.
#2 Set up the sensorless homing as per the wiki page for x and y axis. But with X and y both set to the same microstepping of 16X one axis moves faster than the other. If I change the firmware back to non sensorless and no uart with the jumpers back to as delivered on MS1 and MS2 then the steppers move at the same speed. I tried this in Cartesian and CoreYX. So with uart enabled and jumpers and firmware set to wiki y axis moves slower than x.
Update. If I swap Address 0 to Y and 1 to X then Y moves correctly but not X.
how about switch the two lines which connect to connector RGB and DTH11 ?
First issue of the Wifi has been resolved by formatting SD card as Fat32 and now can connect to Wifi without first connecting with serial terminal. The PandaCAN issue is still an issue.